The African Union CIEFFA Online Capacity Building Training: 2024 Session


The Online Capacity Building Training Programme was launched in 2023 by the African Union CIEFFA and ImpactHer. The training seeks to provide gender-responsive and cutting-edge curricula that can enhance the skills and capacities of African people in the areas of gender in education, STEAM, digital literacy, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, as well as build the capacity of teachers to teach these subjects effectively. The training takes place under the theme, #AfricaEducatesHer - Digital Skills for All: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEAM, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship”.  The training is offered in English, French, and Portuguese.

The first phase of the Program ended in November 2023 with over 3500 African certificates issued. This year's session begins in September and will run for three months (One moth dedicated to each cohort). It is open to all who wish to upskill their capacities in Digital skills, Entrepreneurial skills, and Financial Literacy.

Format of the training:

It is a one-month intensive training programme featuring;

  • Digital literacy – 2 weeks
  • Entrepreneurship – 1 week
  • Financial literacy – 1 week
  • Gender in education – 1 class

Interested participants should apply and attend all three courses.


  • Gain knowledge in Basic Concepts in Gender Equality in Education, Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills, and Financial Literacy.
  • Get a Certificate detailing the completion of each program: Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills, and Financial Literacy (only participants who attend 80% of the training courses per program are eligible for certificates).
  • Become part of African Union CIEFFA network and ImpactHER network.
  • Increase your chances of being invited for fully-funded in-person activities by the African Union CIEFFA.
  • Fully-funded online training and mentorship sponsored by ImpactHER

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be of African descent (woman or man);
  • Be able to demonstrate the motivation to learn about: digital skills, entrepreneurial skills, and financial literacy.
  • Be able to demonstrate leadership abilities, aspirations, and a commitment to the promote girls and women’s education;
  • Have access to good internet connection and a device (laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet).
  • Have a clear understanding of one of the training’s languages; English, French or Portuguese;
  • Hold an African citizenship residing on the continent or anywhere in the world.

P.S. Please note that the participants will be divided into batches. Each batch will be run for a period of 1 month starting from September 2024.


If you have any questions or requirements, please reach out to:


A certificate will be issued at the end of the training detailing each course completed, at least 80% of each course.

Submit your application for this programme here.

Invite someone to register for this training by sending this link

Application deadline: August 23, 2024

NB: This course is fully funded and therefore requires no financial implications. However, applicants are required to provide their own internet connection, preferably have the Zoom App and a device with which to take classes.