Institutional Status

The AU/CIEFFA has been a specialized institution of the African Union since the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of States and Governments of the African Union held in Addis Ababa in July 2004 (“following Decision Assembly /AU/DEC. 44 (III)).
AU/CIEFFA’s establishment as Category 2 Institute under the auspices of UNESCO was approved in September 2005 at the 33rd session of the General Conference (33 C/Resolution 20). The agreement issuing the AU/CIEFFA the legal status of UNESCO category II Centre was signed in Paris on 19 April 2006.
This status enables the AU/CIEFFA to be legally recognized as an important extension of UNESCO’s program delivery arm in the area of Education in Member States as a Category 2 Centres in education. In this sector, AU/CIEFFA supports the sector’s priority areas of teachers, literacy, TVET, and sector-wide planning. AU/CIEFFA facilitates regional networking and has the potential to act as resource hubs in specific education fields. To the larger audience across the globe, it provides opportunities to showcase and share the capacity, technical expertise, and knowledge of Member States.
This Category 2 status is regularly assessed, reviewed and renewed in terms of legality, objectives, engagement, responsibilities, contributions and other binding terms.