AU CIEFFA conducts a visit to Côte d’Ivoire to assess Out-of-school reintegration policies for girls


The African Union International Center for Girls and Women’s Education (African Union CIEFFA) in collaboration with the CESA Cluster on Girls and Women’s Education concludes a field visit to assess the Out-of-school reintegration policies in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. The visit, which began on November 18 and wrapped up on November 20 was conducted in different model schools around the country.

Delegates visited the “Centre Multisectoriel de Formation Professionnelle Mohamed VI”, a government-owned vocational high school that trains students in various technical fields such as masonry, plumbing and electricity and has welcomed a substantial number of girls. They also paid a visit to the “Centre d’accueil pour femmes et filles survivantes de violences basées sur le genre” (Shelter for women and girl survivors of gender-based violence), and the “Lycée Sainte Marie de Cocody”, a school for girls with outstanding reintegration programmes.

Led by the Ag. Coordinator of the African Union CIEFFA, Mrs. Simone Yankey, working sessions with the Ministries of National Education and Literacy and for Women, the Family and Children was carried out to gage the situation of girls’ education in Cote d’Ivoire and assess the effectiveness of reintegration mechanisms, including, policies and programs for Out-of-school girls. The discussion was equally an opportunity to follow up on the implementation status of the #AfricaEducatesHer campaign and the recently adopted Addis Ababa Outcome Call to Action and Recommendations of AU’s 1st PANCOGEd.

The focus of reintegration policies for out-of-school girls is one of the key thematic areas of the second phase of the continental #AfricaEdcuatesHer Campaign. It is worth noting that Côte d’Ivoire is one of the first countries to launch Phase Two of the Campaign. Mrs Simone Yankey, officially handed the trophy congratulating Côte d’Ivoire as one of the first to adhere to the Campaign. The Republique of Côte d’Ivoire has undertaken numerous efforts toward building an inclusive and quality education system, resulting in significant improvements, such as achieving near-universal primary education. According to the UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) data, completion rates in primary education for girls were 68% and 69% for boys in 2022.

The mission is jointly conducted by the African Union CIEFFA and other members of CESA cluster on Girls and Women such as the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) and Bakhita Partnership for Education.


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For further information please contact:

  1. Azwe Success Barbara, Communications Officer | African Union International Center for Girls & Women’s Education in Africa | African Union Commission WhatsApp: +226 64 90 44 95 || Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  2. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar, Senior Communication Officer - Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission Tel: +251 904 138 354| E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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