Compendium of Regional and International Legal Instruments on Girls & Women’s Education


girlsGirls and women on the continent still face increasing hurdles and obstacles rooted in deeply-cultural social norms and practices tied to harmful stereotypes on their role in society. These as a result, perpetuate violations and infringements of their fundamental Human rights, in particular their right to Education.

The AU/CIEFFA has therefore developed the Compendium of Regional and International Legal Instruments on Girls & Women’s Education.

This Compendium is intended to be a reference point for governments and human rights defenders in their efforts to safeguard against violations and ensure actual realization of the related Education freedoms. It is comprised of a compilation of both regional and international legal frameworks for girls and women rights to education, as well as a strategical mechanism to accelerate implementation.

The documents have been validated by parliamentarians of the Pan-Africa Parliament during their Sessions from 2017 to 2019. The valuable contribution made by the parliamentarians richly enriched the Compendium and its Monitoring.

Instruments contained in this compendium articulate specific provisions with policies, measures and practices which African Union Member States can readily take inspiration from. They put emphasis on girls’ and women’ access and retention in educational systems, not only quantitatively but qualitatively, with a focus on innovation and creativity, TVET and STEM, at the highest level of education.


Download the Compendium here: English French