Call for Action & Recommendations of the 1st AU Pan-African Conference on GWE AU PANCOGEd1

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African Union CIEFFA and partners

From the 2nd to the 5th of July 2024 African leaders, AU organs and AUC departments, UN agencies, development partners, CSOs, and youth leaders met in Addis Ababa to discuss girls and women's education (GWE). They meet at the 1st African Union Pan African Conference on Girls and Women's Education (AU/PANCOGEd1). 

At the end of the four-day long gathering, 35 AU Member States, 6 AU organs and AUC departments, 7 UN agencies, 5 development partners, and 17 Civil Society Organisations agreed to a set of 10 recommendations and call to action.  This document is a strong expression of the need and desire to speed up the work needed in GWE. It is a guiding document for all stakeholders working at the intersections of education, gender equality, and social development. 

Click here for more information about the Conference.

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